Dein Fraai-Gefühl

Geprägt von zeitloser Eleganz und handwerklicher Rafinesse entstehen unsere Vollholzmöbel. Langlebigkeit und unsere Leidenschaft für Nachhaltigkeit spiegelt sich in jedem Möbelstück wieder. Mit kostenlosem Versand deutschlandweit heißen wir Kunden aus aller Welt willkommen.

Ganz gleich, ob persönlich in unserem Atelier, bei einem gemeinsamen Waldspaziergang oder virtuell per Zoom-Meeting; Egal ob Nachttisch, Familienbett oder die Großeinrichtung deiner 14 Hotels – wir sind gespannt auf deine Ideen, und uns mit dir auszutauschen.


Fraai-MöbelMaßgefertigt. Natürlich. Stilvoll.

Die Liebe zum Detail.

Deine Fraai-Möbel zeichnen sich nicht nur durch erstklassige Handwerkskunst aus, sondern sind auch ein Ausdruck von innovativem und stilvollem Design. Jedes Detail wird sorgfältig besprochen und nach deinen Wünschen aus charakterstarken heimischen Hölzern gefertigt. Wir sind begeistert von jeder noch so ausgefallenen Designidee und setzen sie gerne um. Deine Fraai-Möbel sollen deinen persönlichen Lebensstil widerspiegeln und sind nicht nur Einrichtungsgegenstände; vielmehr sind sie lebendige Kunstwerke deiner Kreativität.


Eine Liebesgeschichte über Holz.

Egal, ob aus Bauholz, alter Eiche, Esche oder Birke – wir haben dein Massivholzwunder gebaut, um allen Herausforderungen standzuhalten und sich an deinen Lebensstil anzupassen, nicht umgekehrt. Also lade deine Freunde ein, auf den Tischen zu tanzen, sag ja zu spontanen Weinabenden und lass dich nicht aus der Ruhe bringen, wenn die ganze Klasse zum Kindergeburtstag vorbeikommt. Zeig uns wer du bist und lass uns gemeinsam dein individuelles Möbelstück gestalten, das den Anforderungen deines Lebens mit Stil und Funktionalität begegnet.

Kostenlose Lieferung deutschlandweit.

Ein Möbelkauf kann sich anfühlen wie ein entspannter Waldspaziergang. Genau so möchten wir, dass deine Erfahrung mit FraaiFurniture ist. Komm mit uns auf einen inspirierenden Ausflug und lass uns über deine kreativen Ideen austauschen. Keine Sorge – wir begleiten Dich persönlich in jedem Schritt deines Kaufprozesses, angefangen beim Design. Nach der Konstruktionsplanung nimmst du die technische Zeichnung ab, und schon geht es in die Produktion. Auch die Lieferung deines einzigartigen Möbels übernehmen wir gerne persönlich. Unser Engagement endet jedoch nicht mit der Lieferung. Auch danach stehen wir weiterhin an Deiner Seite, um sicherzustellen, dass du lange Freude an deinem nachhaltigen Unikat hast.

Sommer Showroom Sale ☀️☀️☀️

#fraaifurniture #sale #sommersale #berlin
Am Samstag öffnen wir wieder unsere Tüten für alle Fraai-Liebhaber und jene, die es noch werden wollen! ✨️

Unseren FraaiFurniture Showroom findet ihr in der Genslerstr. 13 (Hinterhof). Ganz einfach von S Landsberger Allee oder S Frankfurter Allee zu erreichen.🫡

#fraaifurniture #saleaktion #deinregalnachmaß #fraaifreunde #fraaistil #berlindesign #handwerkskunst #handmadeinberlin #berlinmachtmöbel #fraaifrühling #vollholzmöbel #rabattaktion #eichenholz #industrialstil #landhausstil
Grooooooße Betten sind unsere Spezialität.. Wir würden gerne noch viel öfter in das Vergnügen kommen Betten in z.B. 270x200cm zu bauen.. so ist Platz für die ganze Familie. 👨‍👩‍👧‍👧 Das schweißt zusammen und macht noch Spaß.. 🥳 Also traut euch doch mal..

Und wenn es doch zu groß ist.. Wir bauen auch gerne ein 160er Bett für euch. 🧡✨️

Wir lieben kreative Ideen. Wenn du also bestimmte Wünsche für deinen Vollholztraum hast, teile sie uns ganz einfach mit und wir setzen sie um 🧡💜

#familienbett #fraaifurniture #vollholzmöbel #übergrössen #fraaistil #heimischesholz #sale #rabattcode #rabattaktion #eichenmöbel #industrialstil #handmadeinberlin

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Dir schwirrt seit Längerem eine eigene Designidee mit Vollholz und/ oder Stahl im Kopf herum? Sei nicht schüchtern, schreib uns eine Mail oder ruf uns unter +49173 3683524‬ an um dein ganz persönliches Vollholz Unikat schon bald bei dir einzihen zu lassen.

Is it simple to take Fraai furniture apart and put back together?

Tables, shelves, beds, and most closets can be easily taken apart using a basic drill whenever necessary. However, our dressers, sideboards, nightstands, and other furniture delivered as a single piece should remain undisturbed, even during transportation. Feel free to share any specific preferences or special requests!

Can I personally pick up my Fraai furniture?

Absolutely! You’re welcome to pick up your furniture at our Berlin workshop, although scheduling an appointment with Albert beforehand is necessary.

I missed the delivery. What to do next?

In all cases, the time of delivery is set in advance, within a two hour window. We also call you on the day of delivery to confirm everything. If we can’t reach you or you don’t show at all, we’ll try to schedule a new delivery date. Sadly, in this case, you need to pay again for the shipping.

I ordered more than one piece of furniture. Do I need to pay extra for shipping?

No. It doesn’t matter if you’ve bought a single nightstand or five tables, as long as all of them go to the same address, we won’t charge you extra for shipping.

Who delivers my furniture?

We do. Seriously. FraaiFurnitures’s very best strongmen are making sure that everything goes smoothly from the moment your furniture leaves the workshop until it reaches its new home.

Do the drawers beneath the bed slide along rails?

Our under-bed storage drawers use individual wheels for movement instead of sliding systems. But if you like, we can let it slide on rails !

Do you offer larger sizes as well?

We don’t believe in “your size doesn’t exist.” We customize the wood to your specifications. Whether you have a big family, a basketball team, or you just love sprawling out, we’ll craft a personalized bed landscape that suits your unique requirements.

Do you also offer bed slats and mattresses?

Yes. We distribute mattresses, bed slats, and spring boxes from the German manufacturer Riposana. You can purchase these items separately from our webshop here. Kindly note that our bed prices do not include bed slats or mattresses.

Can I select the color of the metal components for my bed?

Absolutely! You have the option to select from a variety of RAL colors for the metal frames of our furniture.

Is additional support necessary for a double bed slat setup?

Each of our double bed frames comes with central support to ensure stability, even when using two separate standard or rolling bed slats.

How much space should I leave for my mattresses?

Don’t worry, you don’t have to think about this. We give the bed a few mm extra… With this, any mattress will fit.

Will my bed slat fit in my new Fraai bed?

In 99% of the cases, yes. The standard insertion depth for bed slats is 16 cm, but we can build your bed in a way so that it will fit any other sizes as well.

Will the screws holding together my bed be visible from the outside?

Only if you want to. We love the rustic looks of displayed screw heads, but we can also build any of our furniture in a way so that any joints and screw heads would remain hidden.

Will my solid wood bed squeak?

Although the wood still breathes, we design our furniture to be not only rock-steady, but completely silent under any circumstances.

Am I able to select specific pieces of wood used for my furniture?

The inherent beauty of nature brings unique designs. Yet, it’s impossible to foresee the patterns, cracks, or the number of knot-and wormholes in old wood, as each piece possesses its own natural character. If you desire a specific look for your furniture, we can modify the wood’s color using appropriate treatments.

How can I take care of my furniture?

Air humidity kept between 50% and 60% is ideal for the wood and minimizes the chances of developing cracks caused by shrinking. Also, avoid direct sunlight as wood can fade or discolor as a result of UV radiation.

Applying a layer of oil or wax at least once a year is essential to revitalize wood and keep your furniture in good shape..

How durable are the finishes on your furniture?

Fraai furniture is designed and built for life. All the metal surfaces are lacquered while wooden planks are sealed with natural oil to make them both durable and good looking. We recommend applying a new layer of oil or wax on the furniture at least once a year to keep the wood protected.

I discovered a crack in the wood. What can I do?

Cracks and knotholes are natural parts of wood and we love them. Old wood can also develop surface cracks over time, which give the furniture more and more character as it ages. However, if you aren’t satisfied with the looks of them, we are happy to send you a special wood filler kit free of charge and tell you how you can make them disappear forever.

Wormholes in my wood - should I be concerned?

Absolutely not. The abandoned wormholes are perfectly natural, adding a good deal of beautiful character to our old woods, some of which are over hundred years old.

Is it possible to have the frame of my table painted in a different color?

Absolutely! All the metal components of our furniture can be painted in any RAL color of your preference.

What measures can I take to prevent the legs of my table from scratching the floor?

We’ve got you covered! Our furniture comes equipped with felt on the legs, ensuring smooth movement without causing any damage to your floors as you rearrange them throughout the day!

How do I determine the perfect dimensions for my table?

The general rule of thumb is to allow 75 cm of space for every person gathered around your table.

How much overhang do the tabletops have?

Unless you order otherwise, all of our tables – except the ones with splayed legs – come with an overhang of 5 cm.

How tall are the Fraai tables?

The standard height of our tables is 77 cm, unless you request otherwise.

What sizes are available?

Any size, seriously. We are building each and every piece of furniture individually to match the exact needs of its future owner. We can do smaller, bigger, longer, shorter, taller, thinner or thicker – it’s all up to you. So if you like a model, but you’d need it in a special size, we’d love to hear from you!

What’s the usual thickness of the tabletops?

Most of our tabletops have a thickness of 4 cm, but this can of course be customized to match your needs.

Will I trip over the legs of my table?

No. For safety reasons, our splay-legged tables have been designed in a way that the outermost point of the table’s metal structure is always flush with the top.

Is there an additional charge for custom or individual designs?

FraaiFurniture = personalizable furniture. As such, we don’t apply additional fees for special requests; the only extra charges would be for the additional materials required.

Do you offer spare parts for sale?

Yes, we do! If you happen to have the tabletop of your dreams but need one of our bases to turn it into a standout piece, let us know what you’re looking for, and we’ll work on creating the perfect match for you.

How long does the Fraai warranty last?

The statutory warranty of two years is of course standard. But even after that, we are always approachable and will find a solution to any problem.

I damaged my Fraai furniture. Where can I get it fixed?

First of all, don’t panic. The great thing about solid wood is that there is always a way to repair it. Send us some high resolution photos of the damage. We will do everything we can to make your beloved Fraai piece as good as new again!

Is there a discount for returning customers?

There is only one way to find out!

Where can I go and check out Fraai furniture in person?

You are always welcome to drop by for a visit at our atelier in Berlin (Genslerstr. 13, 13055 Berlin). We make excellent coffee!

Do you offer epoxy filling services for sideboards as well?

Of course! While we prefer to honor the natural characteristics of wood, epoxy can be applied to any wooden surfaces to fill knot holes and cracks. Additionally, we provide the option to seal your furniture with lacquer if desired.

Is it possible to get special handles installed instead of the ones the sideboard comes with?

Absolutely. Send us what you had in mind and our carpenter will make sure that it fits your new furniture flawlessly.

Is it possible to have individually sized drawers and storage units for my commode?

Yes, it is. Our dressers, commodes and other storage units can be personalized down to the tiniest detail.

Should I secure my new shelves to the wall?

Fraai shelves are very stable, but with small kids around, it’s always good to be on the safe side. We do recommend securing shelves that are rather tall directly to the wall with angle brackets.

What is the standard distance between two shelves?

We don’t have standard sizing for shelves. When ordering, feel free to send us a drawing of what you had in mind. A simple hand-drawn plan sometimes tells more than a thousand words!

Will my large commode be delivered fully assembled?

Yes, we ship most of our drawers, sideboards, dressers and commodes preassembled and in one piece. Please, let us know if this could lead to any problems during the delivery.